Woodlucker- Artist feature
I am constantly stumbling across the work of artists on the interwebs that takes my breath away. So here I thought I could start sharing some of that with you. This art studio really drew me in from first glance. It's the visual partnership and studio of Ann wood and Dean Lucker in Minnesota called Woodlucker.
'Ann creates mixed media portraits and theatrical tableaus of mysterious beauty and solace whose identity is grounded in the timeless aesthetic and ethic of rural America. Dean’s work is driven by a passion for vernacular animated traditions which combine a personalized mythology to create mechanical storytelling. Their collaborative work combines a love for illustrated paper art and forgotten histories into engaging objects full of sentiment and longing'. www.woodlucker.com
They share a studio but each have a very distinct style that still blends and works beautifully together. Using the simple but beautiful materials of paper and wood they create the most lyrical pieces that seem to really speak to me. I think I'll just stop there with the descriptions and let the images speak for themselves now. Enjoy! They are also on Instagram @woodlucker which is where discovered and fell in love with their super special work.